
Digital Group X

Terms of Service


Welcome to Digital Group X (“we,” “us,” “our”). By accessing or using our website, services, or products, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Service (“Terms”). If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not access or use our services.


Digital Group X provides digital services including, but not limited to, web design, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and app development through our partners (“Services”). The specific terms and conditions related to these services will be outlined in individual agreements or proposals provided to our clients.

Client Responsibilities

  • Accurate Information: Clients must provide accurate and complete information necessary for us to deliver the Services.
  • Timely Responses: Clients must respond promptly to our requests for feedback, approvals, or information necessary for the completion of the Services.
  • Intellectual Property: Clients must ensure they have the rights to all content, images, and other materials provided to us for use in the Services.

Payment Terms

  • Invoicing: We will invoice clients according to the payment schedule outlined in the individual agreements or proposals.
  • Payment Due: Payments are due within 30 days of the invoice date unless otherwise specified.
  • Late Payments: Late payments may incur interest charges at the rate of 1.5% per month, or the maximum allowed by law, whichever is lower.

Intellectual Property

  • Ownership: Upon full payment, clients will own the final deliverables of the Services, except for any third-party materials incorporated within them.
  • License: We retain the right to use the final deliverables for promotional purposes unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.


Both parties agree to keep all confidential information received from the other party confidential and not to disclose or use it except for the purpose of performing the Services.

Limitation of Liability

  • No Warranty: Our services are provided “as is” without any warranties, express or implied.
  • Limitation: We will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or related to the use of our Services.


  • By Client: Clients may terminate the Services with 30 days written notice.
  • By Us: We may terminate the Services immediately if the client breaches these Terms or fails to make timely payments.
  • Effect of Termination: Upon termination, the client will pay for all Services rendered up to the termination date and any non-cancellable commitments incurred by us.

Governing Law

These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Your State/Country], without regard to its conflict of law principles.

Changes to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. We will notify clients of any changes by posting the new Terms on our website. Continued use of our Services after such changes will constitute acceptance of the new Terms.

Contact Information

For any questions about these Terms, please contact us at:

Digital Group X

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